I came across with this interesting article about selecting
power supply application guide. Before I thought that as long as you can get
the right input and output voltage of your specification for your device
everything will be perfect. I was wrong because there are a lot of things to
I realized that power supplies are an important and often
critical component in electronic systems and you should consider some points in
choosing a power supply in order to have an optimum performance for your
Here are some points to consider in choosing a power supply:
System Design
- Just like any other projects, you
need to consider making or formulating your system design beforehand. Following
the old cliché of “leaving the power
supply to last”, may lock you into costly choices.
Make a Budget
Just like when you are doing a housing project,
budget is essential, so is with your electronic systems requirements. Make a
simple budget of your system, power requirements; those identified and those
projected. Check the following points to consider in making a budget:
Standard vs. Custom
A quick review of your power budget will tell
you whether you will be able to use a standard “off the Shelf” supply or have
to pursue a custom development project. In general, a standard power supply
will save time and cost if it can be used.
Review the Data Sheet
Input Spec’s
For more details please visit EEWeb’s MicroPower Direct’sBlog for more interesting articles about this topic.
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